Graduation ceremony ideas for homeschool families

Bring an elegant dose of pomp and circumstance to your homeschool graduation by including a custom made Class Act graduation baton in your ceremony.

Some families have ordered Class Act batons and involved siblings in their ceremonies by appointing them "marshals" and having them lead a graduation march.

Others have given a Class Act baton to the graduate to carry. Still others have appointed special relatives, mentors or friends as marshals to lead the march.

Order your custom-made Class Act Baton to include colors from your family crest, dominant colors from your faith or your grad's favorite colors. We can make your baton with a combination of two or three colors.

"We've homeschooled all three of our children believing we could provide something better than what they could get elsewhere. Class Act Batons made our graduation ceremony extra special. Our graduate will have his graduation baton as a memento of a day full of great memories."

Homeschool Support Group?

Class Act Batons can provide you with as many batons as you need for your marshals. Larger homeschool support groups have ordered as many as four batons which they have then presented to their underclass marshals as gifts after the ceremony.